
for Changemakers

 Supporting leaders with a passion for peace, sustainability and social justice
to stay committed AND have a private life

Dr. Susan Hoppert-Flämig


The world needs people who work towards a liveable future. People who know who they are, what they are capable of, and how they achieve their goals. But finding the right balance between creating an impact and not losing ourselves is quite a challenge. 

I see people with great visions and high ideals struggling to stay committed because: 

  • They are exhausted.
  • They lack clarity over their personal goals.
  • They find it difficult to balance work and private life.


I support people in initiating and actively shaping their personal transformation process.  

Coaching with me means perceiving and understanding your own path and your own state of mind. 

It's about resolving internal blocks, mobilizing your own resources and taking actual steps towards change. 

As a result, your own options to consciously participate in shaping a liveable future for everyone become visible and tangible again. 

“Susan offered me a coaching session at a critical point in my life when I felt particularly lost and broken. She gently pointed out that while I was dependent on external circumstances, I was actually stuck. She suggested that I could still remain in the driver’s seat and challenged me to think about the ways to get unstuck which finally made me act. During our conversation, she validated my feelings and highlighted my true values which contributed to the atmosphere of trust. I think Susan has a particular coaching style which distinguishes her from many others: in addition to being a very attentive listener, she is also very gentle, empathetic and caring about your true needs and values. I’m grateful for this coaching opportunity and happy to recommend Susan to anyone who might need support and inspiration to continue their life journey while remaining in the driver's seat.”
